Data Discovery

Data Discovery

To create a data classification program that successfully aids in managing and maintaining data security, organisations need to discover, identify sensitive data and set up data security protocols that are easy to understand and comply with.

A solid combination of data discovery and data classification program helps to identify business critical data, where it resides, and manage the same. It mitigates data security issues without hampering employee productivity.

Follow the steps outlined below to build a data classification program in your organization:

  • Define how to identify business critical data
  • Discover and understand what and where legacy data resides
  • Enforce And Monitor Data Security Policies
  • Classify data for systems and processes

While data classification is applicable to data at creation and data in motion, data discovery applies to legacy data/data at rest. It also presents the user with all data attributes like who, when and where data was created, modified, etc.

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Find out how Klassify can help you Discover, Classify and Protect your Business Critical Data.

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