Klassify Data Classification Suite

Klassify Data Classification Suite is the Dynamic Data Classification Platform which helps organizations to bring the data classification policy to its users and enforce them to apply appropriate classification on the data they are creating, sharing and storing, based on its sensitivity.
Data Classification with Klassify eases the obligations of organizations to comply with various regulatory compliances namely, PCI DSS, EU GDPR, HIPAA, DPA, CCPA and many more, and provides detailed metadata and contextual information to enable improved information governance and organizational efficiency for unstructured data management. Klassify Data Classification Suite helps to build a strong data security foundation by enforcing users to apply classification labels and protective markings to documents and emails, clearly identifying the sensitivity of information.
Data classification simplified with Klassify:
Proper visual and metadata labelling of documents and emails
- Embedded visual markings in header, footer and watermark encourage and educate users for proper data handling as per their organization’s information security guidelines
Manual/Auto/Suggested classification options to assure abidance with laws and industry standards
- Allow users to classify documents at the point of creation
- Restrict users from downgrading the classification based on sensitivity of document
- Suggest most favorable classification to users based on sensitivity of content
Classify documents with Quick Classification
- Directly right-click on a document to classify it
Define your own policies to safeguard your business critical information
- Flexibility to generate customized rules and templates with keywords and patterns alongside pre-defined rules
Functionality available in MS office, MS Outlook, Microsoft OWA, Open Office, PDF and almost all file types.
Bulk File Classification option to classify multiple files in one go
Analyze data classification events with interactive business-oriented dashboards
Simplifies the task of classifying the data related to regulatory compliances like PCI, GDPR, HIPAA, DPA, CCPA and many more.
Enhanced effectiveness of solutions like DLP, IRM, email security, web security, archival etc by leveraging data classification.
Files and emails can be automatically secured from unauthorized access, especially when shared internally and externally
Key Features
Visual Labels
Headers, Footers, Watermarks
Metadata Tagging
Enhance the Effectiveness of Solutions Like DLP, IRM etc.
of Classification & Re-Classification Events
Whitelisting / Blacklisiting
of Domains Based on Classification Levels.
Manual / Auto / Suggested Classification Options
Customizable Classification Schema
Email Client
for iOS and Android
Centralized Product Deployment & Management
Flexible Deployment Models
On Premise, Cloud, Hosted Platforms